Friday, February 6, 2009

Singapore 2008 - Gerard

Not long before we arrived, Gerard was enlisted into National Service. It's the first for our family. I got a call from Mum after she had sent Gerard off. She was quite emotional and understandably worried. With two daughters, she had never had to go through the heartache of having a son go through NS. She brought Gerard up as a child and like all grandmas doted on him. She was concerned about how he would cope with the tough training since as we all know, Gerard is overweight.

Anyway, I was glad to see when we arrived that Gerard was surviving quite well. The training only made him miss his food more so Saturday and Sundays were eating days. MEAT is what Gerard wanted and that's what he got.

Time flies..... above, see picture of Gerard when he was ring bearer at my wedding. He, and thank goodness not Mervin, got cold feet when he saw the sword bearers at the altar and refused to budge.... Thankfully he was "persuaded" to move along.

I should also put on record that with his very first pay check from the government for, as he put it, "running around and wasting my time", he bought my children soft toys for Christmas! Dumbo for Erica and Yoshi, from Super Mario for Tim. Thanks Dei! Love you and love your rendition of Hindi songs.

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